Keeping Well at Work: Let’s Get Physical for Mental Health

Let’s Get Physical for Mental Health 

According to Statistics Canada, as of 2020, the average adult spends 39.9 hours working per week and, for 47% of Canadians, the workplace is the primary cause of stress. In an environment where we spend such a great deal of our time, it becomes especially important to prioritize our health. 

One of the most effective ways to combat mental health challenges is by cultivating a healthy physical condition. Mental and physical health go hand in hand. Not only does physical health help improve mental health, but poor mental health is a risk factor of poor physical health. When it comes to mental health in the workplace, it’s ideal to determine what gives us the most bang for our buck; what has the greatest return of investment? As Dr. Mike Evans demonstrates, it only takes half an hour of exercise a day to reduce anxiety by 48% and depression by 47% It’s also known to be the #1 treatment of fatigue. Taking at least 20 to 30 minutes to exercise will boost productivity levels to the point where you’re getting more back than what you invested, all while improving both your physical and mental health.  

According to Canada’s first ever 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults the remarkable thing about physical activity is its versatility; it can essentially be done any time of the day, for as many sets as you like, and in a plethora of different ways — as long as you’re consistent. Starting your day off with exercise sets the tone of your workday, allowing you to create a sense of productivity for the rest of your day. You may also opt to take an exercise break during work which can help refresh your mind and alleviate negative emotions such as stress and frustration. If 30 minutes seems too daunting, break it up into 15-minute sessions or even three 10-minute sessions to get yourself started.

Healthy Body plus Healthy Mind equals Happy Human imageIt can be fun to get physical! You don’t have to commit to a gym membership. Challenge yourself in ways you’ll enjoy, like taking a lunchtime walk or yoga break, joining a swim club, taking up dance classes, or making a game out of it and getting your co-workers involved in a challenge to meet your goals. Whichever way you enjoy being active is the best choice, as you are more likely to stick with it. 

On the journey of achieving physical and mental well-being in the workplace, you can begin by making minimal changes to your daily routine that will get you started. These lifestyle changes can be as simple as getting off the bus one stop earlier on your commute to work or parking farther away to get your steps in. Investing in comfortable and supportive footwear is another low-effort way to contribute to your health. Our shoes align our feet and affect the foundation of our overall stance. The wrong pair of shoes can lead to joint pressure, and according to the Canadian Podiatric Medical Association, can result in a lack of physical activity.

Finally, just taking the time to stand up straight and becoming more aware of your posture is known to be a great tool in obtaining improved mental wellness. A study in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry revealed that people with depression experience less anxiety and fatigue through posture control. Steven D’Ambroso, PT, DPT, recommends stepping away from your desk for a brief hourly walk, practicing scapular squeezes, and a quick set of 5-10 push-ups to help extend and realign your lower spine.

These seemingly minor changes, along with an ergonomic workspace, can result in great physical and mental relief. 

As proven through numerous studies, focusing on your physical health simultaneously promotes emotional and psychological wellness. It does not need to be a drastic change in your lifestyle; it’s as simple as asking yourself Dr. Evans’ question: “Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to just 23 ½ hours per day?”.

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